cfcomlaw callsfor papers

Journal of Community and International Law Call For Papers

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Community & International Law (JCIL) is pleased to invite submissions for the first issue of the Journal.
The Board welcomes long articles, short articles and case notes that engage with current themes in ECOWAS Community Law, African Union Law and general international law.
Submissions are to be made via email at, not later than the 18th day of February, 2021. For full submission instructions for authors, please visit the ‘submissions’ menu of the journal page at Journal’s Editorial Board hopes to complete the review process and notify authors of outcome within eight (8) weeks of submission.

All submissions shall be subjected to blind peer review by two experts in the field of submission, after an initial assessment by the Journal’s Editorial Board.

JCIL is to be published electronically for now and no paper edition of the journal will be produced. All published articles shall be accessible free of charge.
For further information, please contact  the Editor-in-Chief at for further information you may require.
Editorial Board

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